While at USC, I wrote and recorded a radio drama named K. I. P.: Knowledge is Power. The show followed three imposter agents investigating the supernatural for a secret organization. While only locally distributed, the recording was popular enough that I converted the story into an ongoing comic book.
When I started promoting the mini-comic at conventions in 2002-2003 as a newbie creator, no one knew me and no one knew my book. So, I became known as Kip. Not thrilling for someone at the beginning of a desired career writing comic books. I rolled with the joke and met a lot of amazing creators. When I began publishing with 803 Studios, the many outlined stories, full scripts, and plans for the story went on the back burner. But it's a story I love coming back to.
Pending a title change, K.I.P. follows Aradia, Marduk, and Cernunnos as they investigate mystical mysteries for a secretive organization known as the Society of Nine. As they close in on the truth, they cross angels, vampires, witches, and a network of highly-skilled assasins.
The initial prequel story arc follows our main characters as they fall into the world of K.I.P.
Story colorized and re-published in Notes From a Monkey With a Hand Grenade.
Issue #1: Dr. Jennifer Meaus, a religious studies professor at the University of Miami, assists her fiance, Doctor Xavier Rose, in translating an ancient text. Multiple players enter the arena pursuing the book. Jon Riser, a private investigator on a missing teenager case, is roped into the search by a secretive man, known only as Enlil, with information about Jon's past. Cernunnos, a shady mercenary and would-be ladies' man, hunts the tome under the employ of Nova, an equally mysterious pixie with her own agenda. Kasdeja, the leader of a vampiric cult luring impressionable youth away from their families and into the Everglades, pursues the book as atonement for a dark past.
Issue #2: After murdering Xavier Rose and stealing the untranslated tome, Kasdeja passes it to her buyer, but not before sending Cernunnos to the ICU. Worlds collide as Enlil and Jon Riser (AKA Marduk), posing as investigators, interview Jennifer Meaus. Walls separating Cernunnos from his secretive past crumble as he is reunited with, and reclaimed by, Enlil. Jennifer, aided by Marduk, begins her own pursuit of the woman who murdered her fiance.
Issue #3: Jennifer and Marduk pursue Kasdeja into the swamp hoping to recover the now long-gone book. Cernunnos and Enlil explore their new dynamic; and Cernunnos's new position on Enlil's growing team. And Jennifer shows how very exceptional she truly is by exhibiting telekinetic abilities in her climactic Everglades brawl with the sinister cult leader.
Issue #4: The swamp-battle aftermath (and alligator entrails) leave Miami PD with little more than suspicion around Dr. Meaus, but the close eyes are enough to have her terminated from her teaching position at the University of Miami. Marduk delivers devastating news to the parents of the missing teenager he was hired to find. Nova contacts allies. Marduk delivers Enlil's employment offer to Jennifer. With no other options, she moves into the organization's apartment, takes the name Aradia, and abandons her former life.
Republished in color in Note From a Monkey With a Hand Grenade!
Originally published as a short in 803 #2 and republished in Notes From a Monkey With a Hand Grenade, Breaking the Seal follows Aradia and Cernunnos into the Hindu Kush mountains pursuing a sinister guru with an ancient tablet hellbent on opening a demon portal.
Planned as a longer story later in the K.I.P. timeline, this was to become a pivotal episode in Aradia's understanding and exploration of her emerging powers.
Story colorized and re-published in Notes From a Monkey With a Hand Grenade.
One of the driving subplots throughout K.I.P.: Knowlege Is Power is the acquisition, translation, and interpretation of an ancient text written in three different angelic languages. Containing the Book of Lucifer, Book of Shekinah, and Book of Atlantis, this collection holds secret histories, hidden factions, and an earth-shattering prophecy. As is evident in The World Askew, people will kill to get their hands on it.
Kasdeja was a fairly popular character with readers of The World Askew. I knew her tortured past, and I know what parts she has yet to play, but I never considered her as a primary character. But I was infatuated with what the 12-Gauge guys were doing with The Ride. I pitched a Kasdeja story. The supernatural aspects of the story didn't really connect with the feel of their book, but I fell in love with the story. She's no longer driving a '68 Camaro, but Kasdeja tearing I-95 South through SC on her way to Miami in the 80's remains a force to be reckoned with.
Rob Hicks returned to K.I.P. to do the pencils. Unfortunately, we never finished the story. I printed the first half of a scripted 2-part comic as an ashcan (mini-comic) as a tie-in convention giveaway with purchase of the four-issue World Askew series.
For fun, have fun checking out that ashcan below.