An eerie, one-car dirt road give you an inescapable feeling of dread. You're forced by the hairs at attention on the back of your neck to look back and pray that this isn't the day. Bugs swarm the air year-round hinting at a spiritual decay. The only remnant of life is a single brick chimney springing from a thicket of bushes and thorns that was once a home for a long-forgotten family.
Enjoy your trek down Rottingwood Road.
Originally Published: 2007
Cover by: Chuck Brown & Anthony Hightower
Ripped from the headlines about real-life murderer Robert Pickton, a man believed to be responsible for more than 60 deaths.
Remus Filch, a serial-killing pig farmer with a fetish for prostitutes, lives on his pig farm 35 miles outside of Charville, a northern mid-sized city. Everyone described him as a quiet, simple man. No one suspected him. Remus disposes of his victims like any good psychopath would; by chopping them to bits and feeding them to his animals.
Originally Published: 2008
Cover by: Anthony Hightower
The End. In honor of the 2012 end of the world as predicted by the wise (and long gone) Mayans, Sequential Suicide: Fire & Ice collects stories of the end of a world. This world could be our own, some alien world, or a character's personal world.
Originally Published: 2009
Cover by: Nicolas Rix
Sequential Suicide is 803 Studios's FIRST submissions-based publication. While we were busy self-publishing, a LOT of other creators sought that vehicle that would get them noticed. We were only a couple of years into hoping around the country promoting books, but we were doing something right and getting some attention. Most of us began focusing on larger titles - things we couldn't do in the short-form 803 format. We also recognized what having our work nationally distributed meant for us, and we wanted to extend that opportunity to others. So, the studio decided to take submissions.
803 was regional. It didn't feel right to take submissions from anywhere (and we did get submissions from at least 4 continents) and still publish under that title. Retiring 803, we set about trying to come up with the right name.
With as many irons in the fire as we had at the time (while working at least 1 full-time job each mind you), the stress was wearing on us. The conversation jokingly turned toward the masochism of trying to succeed in an artistic field. Chuck uttered, "The love of the book is gonna kill me." The room shared a huge belly laugh... but that stuck.
Sequential Suicide was born. Conceived as a genre-free, themed annual, studio members and some of the most amazing creators delivered three spectacular indie anthologies before ending our tour as publishers. Alas, Sequential Suicide: Noir never happened.
Noir Cover by: Anthony Hightower